The geometric shape
In CeldyFEM, each cell is represented as a set of some points and inner triangulation mesh. The cell's elastic features such as Young's modulus and poisson ratio are assigned to each triangle element.
Discretization of cells. (a) An example of a toy tissue consisting of three cells. The boundary of each cell is defined by a counter-clock wise oriented polygon containing a number of boundary vertices. (b) Triangular mesh tiling up each cell is generated using the farthest point sampling method.
Cell proliferation and migration
Cells are deformed according to internal or external forces due to different behaviors. (a) Cell proliferation is driven by the internal pressure force. (b) Cell migration is driven by the protrusion force generated from actin polymerization.
Cell adhesion
The finite element method is used to get the cell deformation. The elastic contraction forces are then recovered at each cell boundary vertex. This can be used to test the rupture of cell-cell adhesions.
Contractile forces are recovered to break intercellular adhesion.
Geometric correction
It is important to detect collision when the bodies of two cells start to overlap and compute the contacting surface of cells properly.